Horsey GO traffic light! The best!!! Thank you for your sweet comment! Loving your blog! So glad you had such a great experience of London! As a Londoner (well ex now I guess!) I can't find one thing I like about it!!! So it's nice to see your love of it :) Lots of love Zoey @ makeshiftmodel xx
#1 Eine Reise nach Kopenhagen #2 Fischbrötchen essen #3 Hamburg unsicher machen #4 meinen Flohmarkt-Durst löschen #5 Wasserski fahren #6 ins Wembley Stadium gehen #7 den Norgen von England erkunden #8 The Breakfast Club #9 Für ein paar Tage zurück in meine "Heimat - London" #10 Schneesport ausüben #11 meine Ferien in Uruguay verbringen #12 mit einem VW Bus quer durch Amerika fahren #13 einen schwarzen Moschino Gürtel kaufen #14 einen braunen/schwarzen Hut kaufen #15 Stonehege #16 to start learning Spanish #17 Dockville 2014 #18 nach Amsterdam fahren
omg that traffic light!!!
AntwortenLöschenso cool =)
Thx for your sweet comment on my latest post, I am indeed crazy about feathers :)
AntwortenLöschenFor one reason or another, I cannot see your pictures, but I wanted to leave a message anyway ;)
wow! amazing pictures!!!
hehe I always laugh when I see those traffic lights!
AntwortenLöschenI absolutely adore the first photograph!
PvdH -designer and illustrator
Horsey GO traffic light! The best!!!
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your sweet comment! Loving your blog!
So glad you had such a great experience of London! As a Londoner (well ex now I guess!) I can't find one thing I like about it!!! So it's nice to see your love of it :)
Lots of love
Zoey @ makeshiftmodel xx
Lovely pictures :D
AntwortenLöschenLove Lois xxx
what a beautiful blog you have here!